Rector: Chris Dinkler
May 2-5, 2019

What an exciting time this is as we get ready to “Launch” Space City Tres Dias with Men’s weekend #1 (pun intended)!
I cannot begin to express to you how honored and humbled I am to have been asked to be the very first Rector CHA for Space City Tres Dias. What an honor indeed!
As I prayed for God’s direction for the #1 weekend, I immediately began to think through a passage that has overwhelmed me for the past few years. It is Colossians 1:15-20 which centers on the Preeminence of Christ. When we truly understand that everything, literally everything, was made By Him, Through Him and (most importantly), FOR HIM; we can begin to understand the immensity of God’s love for us, which is utterly overwhelming. I recall being by myself on top of a mountain meditating on this scripture and began singing ‘Overwhelmed’ by Big Daddy Weave. I may have had a few tears (or it could have been allergies).
As I recalled this sweet time of fellowship with the Lord, it was clear that this was to be the heart for the weekend and I believe what He wants as a foundation to begin with in Men’s SCTD #1…. Everything pointing to His Son!
My prayer is that the men of weekend #1 will come away with an overwhelming experience of God’s Grace and Love. Please pray for the team and the candidates of SCTD #1 and that we are able to give all of ourselves to serving the Lord this first weekend!
In Him,
Chris Dinkler
Rector CHA SCTD Men’s #1