Rector: Terry Hurd
October 17-20, 2019

I want to welcome you to Space City Tres Dias Men’s #2 weekend. My name is Terry Hurd and my wife Leslie and our three children Tristan (17), Allie (14), and Celine (10) all worship and serve at Onelife Church in Webster Texas.
It is such an honor to serve as your Rector for this upcoming weekend. As I began to pray about this weekend the Lord showed me that all throughout scripture He used ordinary men to accomplish amazing things. The one trait that most of these people had in common was that they were all SERVANTS! In most cases God didn’t use the most qualified or the most influential people to carry out history. No, He used ordinary people who had servant hearts. I look forward to sharing some amazing worship, informative talks, and some good fun together October 17th – 20th.
My good friend Dolly John will be serving as the Rector for the women’s weekend on October 24th -27th. Please pray for both of us as we finalize our preparations and build the teams that will serve at Space City #2.
I look forward to seeing you all on October 17th!
In Him,
Terry Hurd