Rector: Joe Page
October 21 -24, 2021

Brothers, I want to welcome you to Space City Tres Dias Men’s #3 weekend. I am truly humbled and honored to be serving alongside God’s Team for this weekend as your Rector CHA. My wife Debbie and I worship and serve at Grand Parkway Baptist Church in Sugar Land and have been blessed by the “gift” of Tres Dias as we have attended and served in the Tres Dias community as well as received the blessing of seeing our grown son (Grant) and daughter (Brittany) experience Space City Tres Dias Weekend #2.
In talking about Tres Dias with others, I often say it is a “gift” that everyone deserves in as much as God uses the weekend to meet you, wherever you are in your walk with Christ, in a very real and profound way. I think that is true whether you attend as a candidate or serve as team….and, it only gets better.
As I have prayed (and continue to pray) for God’s direction over Weekend #3, God has impressed upon me a call to reimagine a life where our focus is not on the “things” surrounding us – the “things” we’re supposed to do or to avoid – but, a Life where our focus is on HIM and the Life He calls us into – taking a new perspective to focus on HIM so that we can move from failure-to-fullness-to-overflowing. My prayer for the Team and the Men who will come on Weekend #3 is that we get to focus on Christ’s face afresh and step out as “mountain-movers” in our homes, our work and our surroundings. As your Rector CHA for SCTD Weekend #3, I commit to you and I invite you to join me in faithful prayer for the weekend and in seeking the Lord’s desire for you on attending or serving the weekend. As well, please join me in covering in prayer Martha Pena, who will be serving as the Rector for the women’s weekend, and her Team. May God continue to protect and guide both weekends.
I look forward to seeing you all on October 21st!
Praying God’s Fullness for you and your families,
Joe Page