Rector: Larry Tomazinis
October 20 -23, 2022

Dear Brothers in Christ,
I would like to welcome you to Space City Tres Dias # 5 Weekend. My Name is Larry Tomazinis and my wife Liliane and my 2 sons (Lucas and Nicolas) and their wives (Tori and Rachel) and two grandsons (Logan and Peter) worship and serve at Baybrook Baptist Church in Friendswood Texas.
It is such an honor to serve you as your Rector Cha for this upcoming weekend. Since I was asked to be the rector for Space City Tres Dias #5, I have been praying for guidance in preparing for the weekend and the vision Christ wants for the weekend. It has been a long journey for me to get to this point as I served both the Tres Dias and Vida Nueva Weekends. Every weekend I have served has brought me to a closer walk with Christ and I am still growing closer today.
The theme that spoke to me the most on my journey with Christ so far is Total Surrender and Seeking the Face of God. The bible verse for the weekend has been my favorite bible verse for a long time. The Bible verse is Psalm 42. For this weekend we will be using Psalm 42:1-2 NIV:
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.
My soul thirst for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?
This Psalm is a beautiful picture of a person hungry for a deeper relationship with Christ but feels distant from Him. I was in that dark place right before my Tres Dias weekend. I felt I was not good enough to have a relationship with Christ and He could not use me. On my Tres Dias weekend I heard Christ’s voice for the very fist time in my life asking me why I was running from Him. He also went on to tell me that I was made the way I was for a reason and that I was not a mistake. He loved me and wanted to have a relationship with me. This encounter with Christ was my awaking from a deep sleep of depression I had lived with since I was a young child. On my weekend I Totally Surrendered to Christ and gave Him all my baggage I had been carrying for a long time.
I am so excited to see what God has planned for His weekend and I pray you are blessed as you serve or attend the weekend. I want to also encourage you on the weekend that God has plans for you to grow. God did not call the elite to follow Him. He called those people that would be considered outcast of society. He used ordinary people who had a servant heart. I look forward to sharing some amazing information, talks, worship, and some fun together on October 20th to 23rd.
I look forward to seeing you all on October 20th!
Yours In Christ,
Larry Tomazinis