Men #8
Rector: Gil Pena
April 25-28, 2024
If you would like to join us as a candidate or team member, please follow the links below!

My dear Brothers in Christ,
I want to welcome you to Space City Tres Dias Men’s weekend #8. My name is Gil Pena and my wife Martha and son Jared worship and serve at New Harvest Christian Fellowship in Pearland Texas. It is my honor to serve as your Rector for this upcoming weekend.
As I began to pray about this weekend the Lord showed me throughout scripture how He has used ordinary men to accomplish amazing things. He has commissioned you and I to carry out His message of hope and assurance onto all the nations starting with our own homes. I want to welcome you into a season of new beginnings with a message from our Heavenly Father of sufficiency in Him to accomplish even “Greater” things. He has completed His work here on earth and has returned to the Father who has fulfilled His promise not to leave us comfortless, sending us The Holy Spirit. Come join us for a time of celebration in worship, prayer, fellowship, and in sharing with one another this April 25th – 28th.
My dear sister Liliane Tomazinis will be serving as the Rector for the women’s weekend on May 2nd thru the 5th. We covet your prayers as we finalize our preparations and build His team of warriors, fit for duty, that will serve for His Glory on Space City Tres Dias #8.
I look forward to seeing you on April 25th!
Abundant Blessings,
Gil Pena