Men #9
Rector: Bob Floyd
October 17-20, 2024
If you would like to join us as a candidate or team member, please follow the links below!

My dear Brothers in Christ,
I want to welcome you to Space City Tres Dias Men’s weekend #9. My name is Bob Floyd and my wife DJ, and our family worship and serve at Calvary Chapel Houston in Friendswood, Tx. DJ and I have two daughters, Leslie and Laurel, a son-in-law, Tommy (married to Leslie) and two grandchildren, Baylie and Chevy. It is my honor to serve as your Rector for this upcoming weekend.
The Lord has a great message planned for us this upcoming fall 2024. He is working and revealing wonderful things He wants to share with you. He wants to lead us to do the greater things He has planned for us, our families and those around us. He wants us to come thirsty and enjoy His living water. As preparations are ongoing, please pray with me for new foundations to be built on solid truth, pray for restored and renewed relationships, and pray for guidance from our Shepherd. He knows our ways, and He cares for us. He wants to lead us. So, come join us for a time of celebration in worship, prayer, fellowship, and in sharing with one another this October 17-20, 2024.
My dear sister, Kelly Braden, will be serving as the Rector for the women’s weekend on October 24-27, 2024. We covet your prayers as we finalize our preparations and build His team of servants, to be trained and ready to serve for His Glory on Space City Tres Dias #9.
I look forward to seeing you in October!
Be Blessed by Him!
Bob Floyd