Rector: Nadine Naisbitt
Dates: October 27-30, 2022

Precious Women of God,
I enthusiastically welcome you to Space City Tres Dias Women’s Weekend #5. I am extremely honored and humbled to serve you as your Rector CHA. Russell (my Kiwi husband) and I worship and serve at The Refuge in League City, Texas. We have 4 grown children and 2 adorable grandchildren.
We have both enjoyed serving in various Tres Dias communities and in the Vida Nueva community (youth version of TD). Seeing transformation in the lives of people is our passion and Tres Dias has been one of those wonderful tools that the Holy Spirit uses to encourage, strengthen, equip, and propel people into finding and fulfilling their God-given destiny.
No matter what we have done and no matter where we have been, the Lord’s desire is to redeem us and set us on a path of living a life totally surrendered to Him so that we can then pour into others what He has poured into us.
I am eagerly anticipating yet another beautiful Tres Dias weekend of partnering with the Holy Spirit as He touches lives and speaks to our hearts in ways that only He can! If you’ve known the Lord one day or 10,000… I invite you to enter into this delightful journey of SCTD Women’s #5.
With much gratitude and love for you all,
Nadine Naisbitt
CTTD #13