Rector: Mary Ellen Mitchell
Dates: Oct 26-29, 2023

Welcome to Space City Tres Dias Women’s Weekend #7! My name is Mary Ellen Mitchell. My husband Greg and I worship and serve at OneLife Church in Webster. I attended Central Texas Tres Dias #7 in the spring of 2012, and it is my honor and delight to serve as your Rector for this upcoming weekend.
Preparations are well under way, as we listen to the Lord for what He has in mind for you ~ yes, you. This weekend is bathed in prayer by the women who are serving, as well as by our brothers who support us in body and in spirit.
The beautiful thing about Tres Dias is that Jesus comes, too! He meets each woman right where she is, where she needs it the most. No matter how long you have known Jesus ~ a brand-new Christian or a solid, mature woman of faith, or anywhere in between ~ He has something here for you, just you. Setting aside three whole days to focus on your relationship with Him is no small thing ~ it is an amazing gift! He continues to astound me with His outpouring of love over these weekends. And, it just keeps getting better!
My dear friend and brother in Christ, Steve Lindblade, is serving as the Rector for the men on October 19-22. Please keep him and his team in your prayers as they plan and prepare a wonderful weekend for the men!
I hope to see you at camp, October 26-29. Come, see, and be filled to overflowing, refreshed by His never-ending love for you.
Mary Ellen