Board of Directors Elections
The Space City Tres Dias Board of Directors consists of five elected officers, 3 elected At Large Members, and 6 Standing Committee Chairpersons (appointed by the President.) Officers serve 3-year terms with staggered expiration dates; the At Large Members hold 1 year terms. Terms of the appointed Standing Committee Chairpersons follow the President’s term.
Nominees by Year
Election Procedures
Board Elections are held at the Annual Meeting of the Members. Portions of the Space City By Laws that relate to the annual elections are copied below. The full document is available to all members on the Church Center app.
Qualifications for Corporation Leadership (this includes, but is not limited to, team members, elected and other local secretariat officers, and members of standing and special committees of the local secretariat). Community members shall make sponsors aware of these qualifications when considering potential candidates.
Any person serving in a Corporation Leadership position must be living a life that is not in a state of rebellion against God. A state of rebellion against God can best be described as an unrepentant, open and active participation in or advocacy of activities contrary to the commands (for example, The Ten Commandments) and guidelines in Scripture* for holy living and Christian leadership. Some examples (although not limited to these areas) are:
1. dependence upon alcohol or illegal drugs;
2. continued involvement in illegal or criminal activities whereby such involvement knowingly violates federal, state or local laws, statutes or ordinances;
3. continued involvement in lustful, immoral or perverted activities such as, but not limited to, any person who identifies as any gender or self- description other than their biological gender as determined by God at conception, pornography and/or any sexual relationship outside of a lawful marriage between a biological man and biological woman as determined by God at conception;
4. active involvement in the occult or Satanic worship;
5. openly professed allegiance to any non-Christian religion or organization which denies the deity of Jesus Christ.
* NOTE: For purposes of standards and principles, International ascribes to those stated in the “Authorized King James Version” of the Bible of 1611 (KJV).
Qualifications for Membership. The membership of the SPACE CITY TRES DIAS Community (hereafter referred to as the Community) shall consist of any person who has (i) completed a Tres Dias Weekend sponsored by SPACE CITY TRES DIAS or (ii) completed an equivalent of this type of three-day weekend sponsored by another approved organization AND has been accepted as a Member by the Board of Directors (hereafter referred to as Members).
Section 2.2. Annual Meetings. An annual meeting of the Members of the Community (hereinafter “Members”) shall be held each year at such time and place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors. At such annual meeting, the Community shall elect directors and officers to replace those directors and officers whose terms are expiring and transact such other business as shall be included in the notice and agenda for the meeting. Notice of the place, date and time of each annual meeting shall occur as provided by Section 5.1.
Section 2.4. Record Date. Only those persons who are Members of the Community at least ten (10) days immediately prior to the day upon which the Community mails notice of any meeting to its Members are entitled to vote at such meeting.
Section 2.5. Quorum and Manner of Acting. The presence in person of thirty (30) Members entitled to vote, at an annual meeting of Members held in accordance with these By-Laws shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum, for the transaction of business at such meeting.
Section 2.6. Voting. Each Member shall be entitled to one (1) vote on each matter submitted to a vote at any meeting of Members, except as otherwise provided by statute, the Articles of Incorporation or these By-Laws. A Member must vote in person and not by proxy.
Section 5.1. Manner of Giving Notice. Whenever, under the provisions of any statute, the Articles of Incorporation or these By-Laws, notice is required to be given to any Member, director or committee member of the Board of Directors, and no provision is made as to how such notice shall be given, it shall not be construed to require personal notice, but any such notice may be given in writing by hand delivery, by facsimile, by e-mail (return receipt requested) or by U.S. Mail, addressed to such Member, director or committee member at such person's address as it appears on the records of the Corporation.
Notice of each meeting shall occur not less than ten (10) or more than fifty (50) days before the date of such meeting. Notice in the Community's regular newsletter, whether by printed or electronic format, shall constitute notice to each Member who receives such regular publication.