Board of Directors Nominees 2025

The Space City Tres Dias Board of Directors consists of five elected officers, 3 elected At Large Members, and 6 Standing Committee Chairpersons (appointed by the President.) Officers serve 3-year terms with staggered expiration dates; the At Large Members hold 1 year terms. Terms of the appointed Standing Committee Chairpersons follow the President’s term.

The Annual Meeting of the Members will be held April 12, 2025 where the community will elect a new Vice President, Treasurer and 3 At Large Members.



Current Office Holder: Joe Page

Term: 2024-2027

Vice President

Current Office Holder: Travis WalkingStick

Term: 2022-2025

Corresponding Secretary

Current Office Holder: Bill Sleeper

Term: 2023-2026

Recording Secretary

Current Office Holder: Jackie Witter

Term: 2024-2027


Current Office Holder: Bill Cook

Term: 2022-2025


At Large Members represent the community members at the the Board of Directors meetings. At Large members serve for 1 year terms and are eligible for re-election up to 3 consecutive terms. The immediate outgoing President of the community is permitted to fill one of the At Large position if he/she desires.

Current At Large Directors

Current Position 1: Terry Hurd

Current Position 2: Thomas Hicks

Current Position 3: Bill Herasymiuk

Term: 2024-2025

Term: 2024-2025

Term: 2024-2025
