COVID-19 Updates

March 22, 2020
Space City Family,

I pray that you are all well and as promised, I want to update you on information as it has become available. On Friday night, our board had its first ever Tele-Conference Board meeting. The main focus was to discuss the current status of the community and the effects of COVID-19. After much prayer, conversation, and consideration, we believe that it is in the best interest of our community to postpone Space City Tres Dias #3 until the fall. Here is the current plan and information:

Space City Tres Dias #3 dates – the new weekend #3 dates will be:
Men’s #3 – October 22nd thru 25th
Women’s #3 – October 29 thru November 1st

Team Members – Weekend leadership has begun contacting their teams about this decision. We are aware that this is more complicated than merely hitting the pause button and resuming in the fall. We will finalize meeting dates and plans for the fall and make whatever adjustments need to be made. We are all operating in uncharted territory right now, so we ask that you please allow some time for these details to take shape.
Secuela and Essentials Training – at this time we still plan to hold this event on June 6th. It will be a great time to gather together as a community in prayer and fellowship. We will continue to monitor the health concerns and follow the direction of the authorities in regards to gathering and will only hold this event if we can safely do so.

Sponsors and Candidates – our Pre-Weekend committee will be contacting you in reference to how you would like to move forward and if the fall dates still work for your candidates.

Prayer Wheel – we have established a prayer wheel for all of us as a community to sign up to pray for our families, our country, our leaders, our healthcare professionals, and our communities. The prayer wheel will start next Thursday night and for the first 3 days we will pray around the clock. After that we will have 3 slots a day for people to sign up to pray for a specific day. Here is the link to sign up. You can also find the link on our Facebook page or on the top of this page.

We understand that there are many of you who are perhaps not working or are working from home. This may put a financial burden on some of you and we do NOT want any funds that have been paid for SCTD #3 to add to that burden. If you are unable to serve (or sponsor) this fall and/or you just need the funds right now please do not hesitate to contact our leadership and a full refund will be issued immediately.

Finally, all the social distancing, store closings, the media, and not gathering together is bound to cause some level of anxiety. Our lives have been changed and our routines have been disrupted. For many of us, not gathering together to worship has been one of the hardest things to accept. I’m reminded as we so often are told that the church isn’t the building we go to on Sundays. No, as believers- WE ARE THE CHURCH! I heard a brother say today that he and his family “sat all together for dinner for the first time in who knows how long.” Another said, “I met my neighbor at our fence and had the longest most meaningful conversation we’ve ever had.” God is still at work in the midst of this storm. “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; he will never let the Righteous be shaken” – Psalms 55:22

In Him,
Terry Hurd
Space City Tres Dias

COVID-19 Updates

Space City Tres Dias
March 14, 2020

Space City Family,

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

As we have all been made aware, the COVID-19 Coronavirus is front and center on the world stage. What started overseas is now affecting our daily lives here in our country and our community. This pandemic has the attention of the Board of Directors here at Space City Tres Dias. I have been in contact with our governing body at Tres Dias International as well as other community presidents and our host camp director gathering information. In addition, we are all monitoring directives from the CDC, health officials on the state and local levels as things are changing in some cases hourly.

It is out of an abundance of caution that the Board has elected to CANCEL THE TEAM MEETING SCHEDULED FOR 3/21.

With regards to Space City Tres Dias Weekend #3, we will continue to monitor this situation and communicate regularly on developments. As of this time, preparations for the weekend continue, and a determination will be made on the status of the upcoming weekend at an appropriate time in the future. We promise to keep you posted on developments as decisions are made.

President’s op-ed:
During times such as this there’s a wide range of views and opinions that our family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors will experience. These will range anywhere from total hysteria to complete denial. This is not for us to judge right from wrong. However, as a Christian community I believe that we need to stay focused on Jesus and not be tossed to and from based on what our eyes see and ears hear. Instead we should surrender all of our thoughts, emotions, and our entire lives to Him. Pray for the many people around us that may feel the financial, emotional, and perhaps physical effects of the virus. Our communities, like never before, need us to exercise the gifts God has given us and to love and lead like we are commanded to do. Finally, PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY some more. Pray for our leaders as they lead us through this crisis. Pray for all those infected with the virus. Pray for protection and provision for our families and our communities. Pray that through this HE would be glorified and that people would come to know HIM as a result.

In Him,
Terry Hurd

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. – 2 Corinthians 4:16-18